Talks & Activities

My talks on conferences, symposia, congresses, and panels (15)

  1. Conference Speech / Presentation for TasKar: A research and education tool for calculation and representation of binary classification performance instruments”. IEEE 14th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTurkey), 2-3 December 2021, Ankara,
    (Video: YouTube)(ResearchGate: Full Text)

  2. Conference Speech / Presentation for The need for a systematic machine-learning process: A proposal via a mobile malware classification case study”. IEEE 14th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTurkey), 2-3 December 2021, Ankara,
    (ResearchGate: Full Text)

  3. Conference Speech / Presentation for Veri Kümelerinin Makine Öğrenmesinde Kullanımına Yönelik Bir Kesit Çıkartma Yöntemi: Büyük Veri ile Bağdaştırılmış Bir Genişletme Önerisi {A Data Profiling Method for Machine Learning Datasets: An Expansion Proposal with Big Data Association}”. 6th International Academic Studies Conference (UBCAK), August 2021.
    (Video: YouTube)(ResearchGate: Full Text)

  4. Conference Speech / Presentation for New techniques in profiling big datasets for machine learning with a concise review of Android mobile malware datasets”. Int. Conf. Big Data, Deep Learning (IBIGDELFT), IEEE, December 2018, Ankara,
    (ResearchGate: Full Text)

  5. Symposium Speech / Presentation for “Strategic cyber-security perspectivein smart grids, (in Turkish: Akıllı şebekelerde stratejik siber güvenlik bakışı). 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS), IEEE, 23 March 2018, Antalya
    Video: YouTube)(ResearchGate: Full Text)

  6. Symposium Speech / Presentation for Clustering and visualization of mobile application permissions for end users and malware analysts”. 5th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS), IEEE, April 2017, Tîrgu Mures, Romania,
    (ResearchGate: Full Text)

  7. Conference Speech / Presentation for Binary classification performance measures/metrics: A comprehensive visualized roadmap to gain new insights”, International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), IEEE, October 2016, Antalya,
    (ResarchGate: Full Text)

  8. Panel Speech / Presentation for “Cyber Security in Smart Grids Panel”, 5th International Istanbul Smart Grids and Cities Congress and Fair (ICSG Istanbul), 20–21 April 2016, Istanbul

  9. Speech / Presentation for “Cyber Security and Defense” (in Turkish: “Siber Güvenlik ve Savunma”), 1. Convention on Child and Information Security, 8 December 2013, Ankara

  10. Symposium Speech / Presentation for “Holistic cyber security: From network to software” (in Turkish: “Bilgisayar ağlarından yazılıma: Bütüncül siber güvenlik yaklaşımı”), 1st International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS’13), 20-21 May 2013, Elazığ
    (ResearchGate: Full Text)

  11. Panel Speech / Presentation for “Domestic Production Cooperation Between Defense and IT Sectors Panel” (in Turkish: “Savunma Sektörü ile Bilişim Sektörü Arasında Yerli Üretim İşbirliği Paneli”), ICT Summit’12 EuroAsia, 13 September 2012, Istanbul
    Video: Answer 1 in 32:40 and Answer 2 in 1:03:30 onYouTube)

  12. Summit Speech / Presentation for “Secure Software Development” (in Turkish: “Güvenli Yazılım Geliştirme”), ICT Summit’12 EuroAsia, Presentation, 13 September 2012, Istanbul
    Video: YouTube)

  13. Talk: “Information Security from Project Management View” (in Turkish: “Proje Yönetimi Bakışı ile Bilgi Güvenliği”), Project Management Association, 7 July 2012, Ankara

  14. Panel Speech for Cyber Security Panel, ISCTURKEY, 18 May, 2012, Ankara

  15. Guest Lecture on "Classical and Modern Cryptology with Technological Advances Course", Defense Industry and Technology Education Center, 26 October 2010, Ankara

My activities (4)

  1. External reviewer for IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Association for Machine Learning and Applications (AMLA), USA, Since 2015

  2. Panel member / Turkish representative for NATO STO (Science and Technology Organization) Information Systems Technology (IST) technical panel (IST-114 Trusted Information Sharing for Partnerships) 2012 - 2016 (Italy, United Kingdom, Norway, Germany, Turkey)
    Published report: Gürol Canbek, ..., Secure Information Sharing - Part I: SECRET to Lower Level Domains Interconnection Proposal, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO), IST-114, January 2016. doi: 10.14339/STO-TR-IST-114-Part-I
    Full Text)

  3. Team Lead and Player in the II. National Cyber Security Exercise, 10-11 January 2013, Ankara

  4. National Cyber Security Strategy Workshop, Moderator, 19 June 2012, Ankara
    (Interview Video: 13:58 on YouTube)
    Outcome (Editor and Author):
    National Cyber Security Strategy Proposal of Turkey (in Turkish: Türkiye Ulusal Siber Güvenlik Stratejisi Önerisi), Information Security Association, Ankara, June 2012.
    (ResearchGate: Full Text)